Saturday, January 25, 2020
The History Of Break Even Analysis
The History Of Break Even Analysis The initial capital requirement is estimated to be $50,000 to $60,000. The sales margin is expected to be 7-10%, whereby each business segment contributes differently to sales and earnings. The classical logistics segment, of all segments, will have an average contribution to sales in relative terms (6.5%), but given the high sales volume, the largest in absolute terms. Revenues from transportation services can be differentiated into those from low priced single services to comprehensive and long-term transportation. The sale of services is expected to generate a 12% to 15% sales margin, while the margin from sales of services is expected to be closer to about 10%. Figure 7.1 shows the source of revenues by segment during the start-up phase. Depending on the initial investment sum, cost and revenue estimates vary. Figure 7.2 shows the expected relationship of cost and revenues. As can be seen, the relationship is not linear everywhere, but costs decrease relative to sales at an initial investment of $50,000. This effect is due to the better utilization of capacities in personnel at rising revenues at constant cost. If capacity is fully utilized, additional personnel must be recruited. At an investment sum of $100,000, administrative costs are expected to return to a linear relationship of sales. At sales levels between $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, costs increase by the factor 1.85. The cost revenue relationship is important, not only during the start-up phase, but also for planned further expansion. Often such expansion strategies are based on this relationship. Other industries are able to generate cost savings of 30-50% during expansion periods, whilefor the logistics industry, this factor is close to 15%. At a specific s ize, this relationship reverses because administrative costs rise sharply. This affects small businesses between 10 and 20 employees most severely. Investment Plan The investment plan comprises primary capital needs for the foundation and operation of an international logistics company with different products and services for sale. The plan also includes initial marketing and sales promotion expenses. Break-even Analysis The break-even analysis shows how earnings rise as a function of sales. The break-even point is the point at which revenues from sales cover total costs (fix costs and costs rising with sales). This analysis is important for the development of the liquidity plan. If the break-even point is not achieved, in the long run the business loses liquidity and may become insolvent. This requires that a critical amount of revenues must be generated. At sale revenue of $600,000 and given fixed costs, the business will generate a profit. Fixed costs are estimated at $120, 0000 to $130,0000 and variable costs at $480,0000. At realizable revenue of $10,000,000 after 2-3 years profits will rise to $700000 pre-tax. This represents an earnings margin of 10% pre-tax and 7% after-tax. These estimates are realistic in this market segment. Increasing sales volume will increase pre-tax earnings margins, but this development reverses when administrative costs begin to rise sharply. Up to a sales volume of $3,000,000, earnings margins rise to 12.5%, after which the margin decreases to constant 11.5%. Figure 7.3 shows at which critical sales volume the business generates a profit. This serves as a base for a pricing strategy. Additionally, the graph shows the amount of sales at which a marketing campaign can be run profitably. Liquidity Plan The liquidity plan shows the amount of finances necessary to assure permanent liquidity of the business. The plan is based on 4 representative months of a typical business with 3 to 5 employees, annual sales of $1,300,000 and net profits of about $300,000. Revenue estimates are drawn from a standard normal distribution. Earnings Plan The earnings plan shows the results from ordinary operations. The plan is based on the first 4 years of business. Revenue estimates are drawn from a normal distribution with an estimated growth rate of 20 to 30%. Figure 7.4 shows profit over time. Risk Analysis The risk analysis considers critical factors that may lead to a failure of the business concept. Such factors can involve failures during the implementation phase, as well as during operations. Such potential factors are ordered according to the probability at which they can arise. Shown is the key factor that led to the failure only. Data are drawn from questionnaires of 10 logistics Businesses with comparable product offerings and revenue- and cost structures That went bankrupt during the last 3 years, as well as analyses of different research institutes. Insufficient demand: This is the most frequent reason that leads to business failure. This includes permanently low demand, as well as a temporary collapse in demand. Often demand estimates were too optimistic at the outset. Such failures might also come from external shocks instead of operating deficiencies. 19% of businesses with insufficient demand go bankrupt. 50% of these businesses report that, once demand slacked, they did not react accordingly, because they believed that this phenomenon was only temporary. Since the expected frequency of customers during the start-up phase is still low, a critical success factor is to focus promotional effort so as to generate customer loyalty early on, which will help minimize the effects of demand fluctuations. This is also important for the future development of the business. Behavior of Competition: Due to low entry barriers, additional businesses can enter the market at low cost. Approximately 16% of insolvent businesses were driven out of the market by that competition. A better service concept, innovative ideas and concentration on core businesses are easy means for an entrant to gain a competitive edge. Personnel and capacity utilization: Often personnel capacity cannot be adjusted easily when demand slows down. Currently, business services have a capacity utilization rate of personnel of 70%, i.e. 70% of employee working hours can be directly credited to sales. At small businesses this value is often lower, which means that 30% of working hours arise without generating any further revenue. 13% of such businesses go bankrupt for this reason. Liquidity constraints: Another frequent reasons for bankruptcy is insufficient liquidity. In that case, it is possible that all liquid funds are used to cover losses or that liquidity needs were planned too tight. To be able to flexibly react to changing liquidity needs, it is important that sufficient funds be planned, even during the start-up phase. Thus, 5-10% of the investment sum should be held as liquidity reserve permanently. 13% of insolvent businesses reported liquidity as the reason for bankruptcy. Over-indebtedness: Many business are run on a small equity base. The majority of investments are funded by debt. If the business becomes unprofitable, debt obligations cannot be covered. Little more over 10% of insolvent firms reported over-indebtedness as the reason for going bankrupt. It is therefore important that a share of earnings is retained for debt service. Macroeconomic Conditions: In a cyclical downturn, revenue expectations may not come in according to expectation. Although this factor does not affect the business in itself, it does have an impact on profitability, liquidity and leverage. Costs remain constant during such periods, but revenues typically decrease which affects overall profitability. 10% of all insolvent businesses report that they went bankrupt due to macroeconomic conditions, although the relevant indicators of the business looked healthy. Location and market: The market of the business and the selection of the right potential customers is an important success factor and one of the fundamental decisions that has an impact on the future prosperity of the firm. Therefore, a careful analysis is necessary. More than 10% of insolvent businesses reported that they went bankrupt because of the wrong market selection. Often start-ups did not consider that, even when the choice of market may not be wrong at the outset, it may later become so when economic conditions worsen. This may be due to structural changes or different interest of customers. Wrong Business Decisions: Often wrong business decisions and difficult situations go unnoticed for some period, which can lead to a failure of the business. A critical and independent reflection of a decision is critical factors to determine the value of a management decision and evaluate the business profitability. Studies have shown that many businesses fail in their start-up phase because of managementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s inability to make sound business decisions, while once a business is settled, such mistakes are very rare. A critical management instrument is the ability to detect potential failures and problems. Certain key figures can help measure this ability and objectively determine a decisions chance for success. Small businesses should use such indicator ratios to assess their Business outlooks. Figure 7.5 shows the relative importance of each factor for businesses that went bankrupt. The numbers are based on the most relevant reason that triggered bankruptcy, but not the reason responsible for bankruptcy. External factors that changed the competitive environment and changing macroeconomic conditions were the most important reasons relative to internal factors Sources (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })()
Friday, January 17, 2020
Letter To My Children
As I lay awake in bed with Carol by my side, sharing my insomnia, it occurred to me, totally out of the blue, that Neo had opened up for me a new world of understanding, which is to say that my conversation with him had led me to the realization that there was a way out of my conflicts here and now. I was being selfish aforetime: it occurred to me. Although I could not go to the Vatican all the way from America in order to express my new understanding of Christianity – rather than to pose questions that the authorities on religion there were not expected to appreciate – I could express myself before my children, as though nakedly.But what would I teach them? I certainly did not wish to confuse them by sharing my conflicts.  Neither did I desire for them to catch on my negative emotions surrounding the wonderful truths I was learning my entire life. One such negative emotion was my slight fear of various authorities on religion because I could not get over my miserable misunderstandings with them. I understood that the authorities on religion are meant to be peacemakers, and yet I could not see eye to eye with them on many issues of peace, which, in my awareness, is often a result of increased knowledge and new understanding of faith.These misunderstandings, I knew, were tormenting me alone, while they slept soundly night after night. I recalled then the words of Jesus, virtually unaware at the time that Carol had started to sing in bed a song from the film, Evita:Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 3-6).Did I have to share myself with the various authorities on religion in order to find peace? I did not believe so. All the same, my torment was asking me to somehow stand in front of the whole wide world and declare myself to be a true seeker of truth. Then, and only then, I thought, would I find peace.  However, it was impossible for me to stand on the stage before the entire Christian world and declare myself to be true.  As soon as I realized that my mind was straying away from my children, I said â€Å"Yes.† Carol asked me right away, â€Å"What?† â€Å"Oh, nothing,†I said. â€Å"I am enjoying your song!† Carol continued singing from that point on.I got back to my reflections through insomnia. I thought that I knew that I could die very soon, and I did not have the kind of oneness Jesus experienced with God Almighty to know when. I could express my understanding to my children – yes I could do that, I thought again – and my children in turn would develop their own understanding of religion based on my teachings and their own experiences in lif e.As I lay in bed reflecting on the new questions that had perhaps occurred to me through supernatural inspiration, it did not take me long to figure out what exactly I would be teaching my children and how. I would write a letter to them, directing Carol to deliver it to them only when they have all reached maturity at the same time. I would not want one child wanting to know more than the others at any given time. I would like them to grow in spirituality altogether. I did not want them to have to go through the experience of single handedly dealing with the problems of realizing the truth as I did. I did not want them to feel as alone in the world as I felt.But perhaps I would eventually leave the letter in Carol’s hand to decide when to give it to each of my kids, I thought. I was â€Å"hungering and thirsting after righteousness.† I knew that expressing my understanding of the religion to my children would grant me a sense of complet ion from the Almighty – somehow. I did not know how He worked on such completions.By the time I had reached this point in my train of thoughts, I realized that Carol had gone to sleep. Her singing was over and done with; she was snoring, in fact. I suddenly realized a sense of greater freedom in my thoughts. Increased confidence was aroused to boot. Although I knew that Jesus had said, â€Å"Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 10), I neither had the strength nor the courage to stand before the world and discuss my concept of religion. I should have had the courage, I thought, but sadly, I did not. I then realized that perhaps this kind of courage is unnecessary, given that Jesus had also said: â€Å"Agree with thine adversary quickly, lest haply the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 25).Was Jesus right there with me to teach me something of the essence? How was it that verses from the Gospel of Matthew were appearing in my self without notice, and perhaps out of context? I got out of bed then, with the awareness that I had the courage to teach my understanding of Christianity to my children, even if I could not teach the whole world. Yet I did not want to express my entire self to my children. I only believed that they had a right to know the basics that I was working with. I believed in their right to question religious practices of the world. I also trusted that they would eventually find the truth using the tools I would provide them with.I turned on the lamp on my desk. Carol moved a little in bed, responding to the click of the lamp. Fortunately, she did not get up to ask what I was up to. I did not want to bother her at all, and so I sat down to write, as though in a wh isper:â€Å"Dear children,  By this time you must be old enough to feel the need to know God. You will be exposed to many practices in the Church†¦.† I gave up writing at this point, tore the page in half, and took a fresh sheet of paper to begin again.â€Å"Dear Children, For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.â€Å"’Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:â€Å"’But I say unto you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire.â€Å"’If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother h ath aught against thee,â€Å"’Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift’†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 20-24).I comprehended what I was doing. Comparing the Pharisees and the scribes to the majority of religious authorities in the world, I was directing my children to go to the scriptures whenever they require guidance from the divine authority. I did not have another way of teaching them the truth. I wanted to say that they must never go to any religious authorities except the scriptures in the process of seeking truth; and that they must be good to each other, no matter what.I had written the words of Jesus in my memory with great enthusiasm. And I did not doubt that my children could – given the right direction – show equal respect to the word of righteousness. Yet I doubted whether I should tell them everything about the Church as it existed in the world today.I gave a moment of attention to Carol at this point. She was snoring, fast asleep, and looking lovely. I thought with tenderness that her children were mine, and I had a right to teach them whatever I felt I must. I did not have to mention the Church and the circumstances surrounding my role in it that very day. It was not important, given that the circumstances surrounding the Church were expected by me to change, perhaps drastically, in the years of my offspring’s maturity.I went back to my letter. Without explaining myself in it, besides the purpose of my letter, I felt that I had to write something else I remembered from the Gospel of Matthew: â€Å"’At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:â€Å"’Yea, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in thy sight’ (Chapter 11, Verses 25-26).Confident in my writing, I continued: â€Å"My dear children, after reading the above scriptures you must be thinking that perhaps I felt in my years in Church that these are some of the most perfect verses in the Gospels. As a matter of fact, I did not think so. And the only reason I am writing you today is that I want you to learn how to trust yourselves in seeking the truth. The scriptures are the best guidance I can offer you now. Hold on to them, learn from them, and do not mind questioning the practices of others when you do not believe them to be correct. This is, in my opinion, the best attitude to take into maturity. Let us leave the rest in God’s hand. â€Å"Your loving father on earth.â€
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on Should Direct Democracy Be More Widely Used in...
Government and Politics Megan Barry ‘Should direct democracy be more widely used in the UK?’ Direct democracy is a form of government in which all laws are created by a general vote of society. This means that political decisions are put forward to the people as they are the ones who are going to be directly affected by the outcome of the decision. An example of direct democracy used occasionally in society is referendums. A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision. Within this essay I am going to be arguing whether direct democracy should be used more widely by weighing up the†¦show more content†¦Another argument for direct democracy being used more widely in the UK is that it prevents the government and MPs making extremely unpopular decisions and ultimately, negatively impacting on the general public’s life. On many problems and issues it is particularly difficult for parliament to know which way to vote, additionally with many issues that require accurate public opinion and have considerable historical impact, for example, a constitutional change. Direct democracy not only evades and prevents detrimental decisions for the whole country, but it also aids the government and helps them to maintain their popularity and further circumvent an uprising or protest. An example of this in the past is the Referendum on the changing of the voting system in 2011. In the 2011 referendum it was decided by the people that this voting change was not wanted. Holding a referendum on this particularly issue prevented an unpopular decision that might have been made by the government alone. This is significant because the government’s popularity is One final argument for direct democracy in the UK is that it increases the people’s political participation and engagement in current issues. When people are given the opportunity to have their say, they are more likely to get involved in the process, thus increasing the accuracy of the judgement. A successful and fully functional democracy relies on the involvement of the general public and the people it will be directlyShow MoreRelatedThe United States Take Back Control1854 Words  | 8 PagesBrexit has caused a divide amongst the UK population, with 52 to 48 percent in favor of leaving. â€Å"Take back control†has been at the forefront of the Brexiter’s campaign, some arguing the UK Parliament had lost its power when it passed the European Communities Act of 1972. For the structure of this paper, I will start by highlighting key arguments put forward by Brexiters as they relate to Parliamentary sovereignty. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Women Conform More than Men Essay - 994 Words
Women Conform More than Men Studies over the years have shown a higher rate of conformity among women than men. Psychologists have attributed this difference to many areas, such as personality traits, differing views of conformity, social status, and situational forces. The following research and studies illustrate the findings which confirm this hypothesis. Personality Traits of Men vs. Women According to Eagley, Wood, and Fishbaugh (1981), women are more concerned than men about the quality of interpersonal relationships. Women take greater responsibility for establishing and maintaining interpersonal bonds, whereas men do not. Also, women are more empathetic and more accurate at decoding nonverbal communication than†¦show more content†¦Effects of Status and Status Cues on Conformity Many psychologists attribute the gender differences in conformity to the perceived differences in class status of men and women. One possible interpretation of differences in conformity is the implicit status cue that suggests certain individuals are believed to be of higher status by group members. The results of a study performed by Eagly and Chrvala showed that older females conformed more than older males when subjects surveyed each others answers or when they rated each other on likeability (Collin, Di Sano, and Malik, 1994). It has been suggested, though, that this higher rate of conformity is due to the male-based stimuli. The same study conducted by Collin, et al., suggests that male subjects exhibited more conformity than females due to their higher status. In the formation of new groups, it has been found that gender functions primarily as a status cue (Eagly, et al., 1981). Gender informs people about status, because it is normally perceived in our society that men have higher status than women. Therefore, people enter into a group on unequal ground. Eagly, etc. also argue that mens nonconformity results in successful influence due to their higher status. In reference to occupational status, this study found that the perception of women as being more compliant in a job setting than men came fromShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Continuation Of Patriarchy In Our Culture1497 Words  | 6 Pagesmade up of more than just individuals. Systems are more complex than people (Johnson 92). Within a system there are different parts the come together to form a whole. In terms of patriarchy, these parts are the different standards and ideals that patriarchy upholds. The three facets of patriarchy are male centered, male identified, and ma le dominated. Also patriarchy is not just driven by men, women can also play a role in its continuation. Believing in the equality of men and women is not enoughRead More The Power of Conformity Essay722 Words  | 3 Pagesexperiments were very important to the study of conformity. 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