Thursday, October 31, 2019
Compare and cotrast the accounting conceptual framework and the Essay
Compare and cotrast the accounting conceptual framework and the accounting regulatory framework in the Uk - Essay Example The accounting conceptual framework in the UK One of the elements of the accounting conceptual framework, as applicable in the United Kingdom, relates to goal of financial statements that is to offer information on â€Å"financial position, performance and changes in financial position†of an enterprise (Rolfe 2006, p. 123). The subject information must however be significant to the entity’s stakeholders. Three documents, financial statements meet the objectives. Cashbook reports an entity’s financial position, income statement reports financial performance and cash flow statement reports and entity’s change in financial position. Basic assumptions in accounting are another set of factors that form elements of accounting framework. The framework identifies two assumptions: the going concern, an assumption that an entity will exist until unforeseeable future and upon which accounts are prepared, and accruals basis, a requirements that value in transactions are realized as soon as the transactions occur and not money on the transactions are received of remitted. Another element of the accounting framework relates to property of financial information and the framework identifies â€Å"understandability, relevance, reliability, and comparability†(Rolfe 2006, p. 124). These properties require that financial information be simple enough for users to understand, identify with users’ needs, be consistent, and offer a basis for comparison with the entity’s longitudinal information of comparison with other entity’s information (Rolfe 2006, p. 123, 124). The accounting conceptual framework also lists composition of financial statements. The balance sheet discloses an entity’s financial positions and items’ balances that contribute to the position. Assets, capital, and liabilities constitute the balance sheet. The income statement that discloses an entity’s sources of revenues and expenditure is another element of financial statements and shows an organization’s financial performance in a period. Statement of shareholders’ equity that illustrates changes in capital, and disclosures that concerns these statements is other components of financial statements (Rolfe 2006, p. 125, 126). Recognition and measurement are other aspects of the framework and required numerical disclosure of value of items and narratives that describe the numerical values (Weil 2012, p. 22; Spiceland, Sepe and Nelson 2013, p. 19). Treatment of capital and management of capital items are other aspects of the conceptual framework. The United Kingdom adopts financial approach to treatment of capital, an approach that recognize profit or loss on capital based on the difference between value of a capital at the end of an accounting period and the corresponding value at the beginning of an accounting period (Bellandi 2012, p. 271). The conceptual framework serves multiple purposes in accounting . It helps the accounting board in its role of reviewing current financial reporting standards and in formulating the standards for future applications. The accounting fram
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Final Paper Outline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Final Paper Outline - Assignment Example t actively listen to each other, then you cannot prevent future problems that you could avert by listening and identifying each other’s needs (Fedesco, 2015, pg. 103). People often feel frustrated when they feel the other party is not listening to their needs. Secondly, you must develop and maintain self-concept in your relationship. Self-concept defines a person’s perception and understanding of their being as a self. This is essential because it shapes a person’s behavior and ability to handle stress in a relationship, and determines emotional behavior (Ahmad, Ghazali, Hassan, 2011, pg. 24). It enable one know what they want, and what they deserve in a relationship. In the end, it affects the quality of a couple’s relationship because emotions determine the level of attachment and understanding between the two of you. Thirdly, you must understand emotional intelligence and its role in effective interpersonal relationships. Emotions can easily destroy interpersonal relationships between couples. Emotional intelligence involves such factors as devotion, perseverance, and self-control (Hsieh, Wang, Fan, and Huang, 2014, pg. 133). A high level of emotional intelligence allows a person to accept and emphasize with a partner, and avoid emotional outburst that may not define their true character. Fourthly, there is a need for self-disclosure in your relationship. It is necessary for partners to reveal personal information in order to improve their communication process (Sprecher and Hendrick, 2004, pg. 858). It encourages, love, satisfaction and responsiveness in a relationship. Even so, self-disclosure should be at a certain level that does not hinder the normal functioning of the relationship. Finally, you must learn strategies to manage interpersonal conflicts. Conflict is an unavoidable in any marriage, despite the level of understanding that you fashion. Interpersonal conflicts arise when one infringes on the rights and space of another, especially in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts of Space in Art
Concepts of Space in Art In his book Space, Time and Architecture, Sigfried Giedion noted that through developments made during the Renaissance, the conception of space comes to fruition. This conception of space in art was expressed with the discovery of perspective. Through the use of perspective he says every element is related to the unique point of view of the individual. In linear perspective -etymologically clear seeing- objects are depicted upon a plane surface in conformity with the way they are seen, without reference to their absolute shapes and relations. The whole picture or design is calculated to be valid for one station and observation point only. To the fifteenth century the principle of perspective came as a complete revolution, involving an extreme and violent break with the medieval conception of space, and with the flat, floating arrangements, as its artistic expression. Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1967, first published 1941, pp. 30-31 During the Renaissance, fields of study particularly in the arts were closely intertwined with traditional models. In architecture, buildings were designed with reference to past examples. At around about the early nineteenth century, there came a shift in the conception of space that broke free of the rigidity associated with antiquity. Relativity in our conception of space came about through the development of cubism. Cubism introduced a new dynamic to visual representation. The framed view is coupled with different points of view of the same object, his brings in a factor of time. Joan Ockman professor and the director of the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University. Here will be cited her essay The Way Beyond Art published in Autonomy and Ideology, ed.Somol, R.E., the Monacelli Press, New York, 1997, pp.83-120 matter ceased to be understood as opaque mass. The viewer now envisaged different aspects of space simultaneously, inside and outside, convex and concave at once. Matter was decomposed into simple surfaces and lines (as in Mondrian) or became transparent and interpenetrating (as in Lissitsky). With these developments, space came to be understood as a crossing of movements and energies. The change in the conception of space is said to be the demolition of pictorial space by Cubist techniques and substitution of a relative point of view for an absolute one Along with Ockman, Sigfried also wrote about a new conception of space from the traditional. He claims that classical conception of space is related to the notion of perspective and this notion was the primary element in painting since the Renaissance up until the 20th Century. For Giedion, the new method of visual representation after the formation of cubist techniques coincides with a shift in the conception of space and develops form giving principles of the new space conception After Cubism, space conception changes from the static perception of the Renaissance. Giedion claims that the classic conceptions of space and volumes are limited and one sided. For Giedion, the possibilities of this new space conception is like Cubism with its many perspectives that extract the essence of the subject, give it an infinite potential for relations within it. Giedion claims that the dawn of cubism is an anonymous principle just like the discovery of perspective. That cubism is the expression of a collective and almost unconscious attitude and for him, this expression is also closely related to scientific advancements of that period. As Giedion says. Cubism breaks with Renaissance perspective. It views objects relatively: that is, from several points of view, no one of which has exclusive authority. And in so dissecting objects it sees them simultaneously from all sides from above and below, from inside and outside. It goes around and into its objects. Thus to the three dimensions of the Renaissance which have held good as constituent facts throughout so many centuries, there is added a fourth one time: In stage design, the stage itself can become a medium for the exploration and the experimentation of different concepts in vision and space conception. The stage is the manifestation of the relationship between performers and audience. In her book, Theatres, Gaelle Breton makes reference to ancient theatres. She says that the Greek theatres of antiquity sought to create a unity between the stage and audience areas and combined them under an open air space. This principle she states becomes the model for Elizabethan theatres which she identifies with the Shakespeare Globe Theatre. Breton states that during the Renaissance, theatre design undergoes an increasing separation from the outside world, and within creates an ever increasing divide between stage and spectator who sit in a fix position for an optimum static perspective. This resembles the painting of the time. The way theatres were designed during the Renaissance was challenged by Richard Wagner. Together with architect Otto Brukwald, they collaborated to design theatre which sought a reversal in the separation of and stage. The theatre of the Renaissance was concerned with the audience with the perspective of the audience. No balconies and a darkened auditorium focused the audiences attention to the stage. Theatre no longer sought to create the illusion of reality but sought to express the essence of a play. Breton also claims that the necessity for creating the illusion of reality became less relevant with the advent of cinema and the innovation of cubism which shattered the traditional perception space and style of spatial representation Antonin Artaud (1862-1928) was a famous stage director and the author of Theatre and its Double. He describes the architectural space that he seeks for his productions as a single, universal locale without any partitions of any kind His proposal was to abandon the architecture of his time and set about producing production that could be held in a barn or a hanger for performance. The notion of flexible space such as this can also be seen in the architecture of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe around this time. The concept is for a performance space as a total space which can be redesigned and reorganized for different productions. The sculptor and painter Oscar Schlemmer, conducts experiments for stage space at the Bauhaus. Roselee Goldberg state that the work at the Bauhaus was to achieve a synthesis of art and technology in pure form The studies conducted included the problems of performance space such as the opposition of visual place and spatial depth Schlemmers experiments demonstrated a new conception of space on stage. In the 1920s, the discussion of space centred on the notion of felt volume Schlemmer explained that out of the plane geometry, out of the pursuit of the straight line, the diagonal, the circle and the curve, a stereometry of space evolves, by the moving vertical line of the dancing figure. The relationship of the geometry of the plane to the stereometry of the space could be felt if one were to imagine a space filled with a soft pliable substance in which the figures of the sequence of the dancers movements were to harden as a negative form Up until the twentieth century, the criteria for stage design was a framed view and theatres based on the relation of the proscenium. In the early twentieth century, revolutionary stage designers such as Edward Gordon Craig challenged this two dimensional approach to stage design with three dimensional concepts and experiments. For his first production, Craig had to design his own stage as the only available space was the Hampstead Conservatoire. This concert hall was 44ft wide with a series of stepped platforms at one end to house the orchestra. The comprises made by Craig became a characteristic of his work. The ceiling height was level throughout and Craig incorporated Herkomers technique of over head lighting and sky effects. A low proscenium was constructed to facilitate frames and a bridge above the stage for the lighting man. To facilitate a cast and chorus of 75, the full width of the stage was utilized. This created a strikingly panoramic effect. In later production in Coronet and Great Queen Street theatres, Craig lowered the proscenium by as much as 12ft to create the impression of great width. He also found that creating stepped platforms allowed for three dimensional groupings and movement. Craig wanted the spectators to have the same perspective of the plays so no side galleries, or boxes were used, instead a single level seating was used. Another characteristic of Craigs productions which challenged the viewers imagination were, although the sets were openly theatrical, with everything from imitation vine leaves to crude papier-mà ¢chà © boars head, on the other hand there was a deliberate avoidance of realistic detail and simple effects of colour were used, leaving the imagination free and achieving a suggestiveness that one viewer had commented reminded him of the delicate friezes of Pompeii. For these surfaces, Craig explains they stand on the stage just as they are, they do not imitate nature, nor are they painted with realistic or decorative designs Craig studied the theatrical work as it was in ancient Greece, Rome, from the Renaissance to the Elizabethan. He noted that Once upon a time, stage scenery was architecture. A little later it became imitation architecture, still later it became imitation artificial architecture. The two elements which became central to Craigs concept of a new theater were lighting and movement. The two elements which became central to Craigs concept of a new theater were lighting and movement. The great days of painted scenery belonged to the era of dim lighting from gas-few footlights or candles, which flattened the performer so that he an the picture became one. The day the first spotlight was on the side of the proscenium, everything changed. The actor now stood out, was substantial, and a contradiction suddenly appeared between roundness and the two dimensional trompe loeil behind his back. The great innovators in the art of scenic design, Adolphe Appia and Gordon Craig, knew this before the First World War. Peter Brook, Threads of Time, Methuen Publishing Limited, London, 1999, p.48 In 1923, Fredrick Kiesler presented his concept for the Endless Theatre. The theme of this space was the structure did not have any frame, but could still maintain its form. In the 1920s architecture had a strong tendency to interpret space from a functional point of view. Buildings where traditionally of a rectangular shape, however there were no corners in Kieslers endless concept. This implies a meaning of time and space simultaneously which one can interpret as without and en, or in another sense an eternity of time. While this theatre expressed Kieslers concept of space, it was in 1958 when he presented the Endless house that his concept had manifested itself into a space that responded to human sensibilities as well as a functional space acting as a home. An installation architecture piece by Bernard Tschumi called the Glass Video Gallery was constructed in the Netherlands. It is a glass structure which contains 6 banks of video monitors. The projects intention was to challenge our preconceived ideas on the act of viewing. The monitors act as an unstable faà §ade, unlimited space is suggested through mirror reflections. The reflective surfaces which can be interpreted as a modern day equivalent to Edward Gordon Craigs walls. The immateriality presents an ambiguous surface. The architect presented a challenge to the permanence of buildings. The multiplying layers act to dissolve the surface of the glass. Lighting at night acts to transform the space. For Tschumià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The endless reflections of the video screens over the vertical and horizontal glass surfaces reverse all expectations of what is architecture and what is event, of what is wall and what is electronic image, of what defines and what activates. Tschumi also claims that his glass box challenges the ideas of television viewing and about privacy. The transparency of the glass walls acts as an opposition to an enclosed private space it also acts as an extension to the street. Within the structure, a person watches and is watched at the same time.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsches Philosophy on Good and Evil Essay exa
Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher in the 1800’s. His work has since influenced, impacted, and brought forth new questions for many philosophers to follow. One of Nietzsche’s famous writings Beyond Good and Evil expresses his views on society and the two different classes it holds, slave and master. He expresses his belief that the two are in warfare with one another, the strong (master) fighting for the will to power, while the weak (slave) tries to pull the master down to their level using clandestine forms of revenge. Nietzsche believed the slave morality was one that included humility, obedience, and submission, and was the destructive choice and attribute of Christianity, while the master morality was full of arrogance and pride and that power of man himself is what needs to be attained. Nietzsche sought to prove that the master morality was the only true way to success in life and this was to come at any cost, even the cost of another weaker individual. Nietzsc he’s theories do not hold true against the ultimate truth of the Bible, where in which all has been tried and proven true, time and time again. Master Morality To Nietzsche the master morality was the attribute of the ultimate race, a race not of color or ethnicity, but one that fought for power. The masters were those who by force and power sought after what was good, which included anything that would be helpful. Not concerning them selves with society as a whole, only with rising to power and the responsibility of self. The masters he believed were to dominate the slaves and the slaves should just willingly submit. The master morality was often attributed with qualities such as power, nobility, and independence, placing them beyond good and evil. Striving t... ...God came to give us life but that the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy, so it appears in Nietzsche’s case the enemy won. God made His choices clear and told us what choice to make in Deuteronomy 30:19 where He says chose Him, choose life! Choosing life is choosing God’s way, and His way includes nothing of the master morality Nietzsche claimed so much passion about. I am however saddened about the choice Nietzsche made and angry about the deception of the devil, but I am happy about one thing, that is that I do not have to choose a master or slave morality, rather I choose God, who is the Author and perfector of my faith and we be the Ruler of me and my house for evermore. Work Cited The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, New Revised Standard Version. Michael D. Coogan, editor. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bank of Canada Monetary Policy
On the contrary to the policies of the United States, material about Canada’s monetary policy was easily accessible on the Bank of Canada website, straight-forward and easy to understand. It’s clear that their target audience is the average Canadian citizen. They didn’t give the ‘run-around’ so- to- speak, of what their main objectives are, and much of it was watered down so that anyone could comprehend it. The Bank focuses on keeping inflation low, stable and predictable in order to encourage long-term investments for citizens to contribute to lasting economic growth, the creation of jobs and increased productivity – which will ultimately improve standard of living. This strategy is encompassed by the inflation control target that was adopted by the Bank of Canada in 1991, which sets a control range of 1-3 percent, ideally with a 2 percent midpoint. And, looking at historical statistics since its inception, the Bank has been able to maintain this control effectively. For example, inflation rate for 1Q 2013 was 1. 3%. According to the Bank, this monetary policy is implemented by influencing short-term interest rates which is done by raising or lowering the target for the overnight rate. In the end, a reduction in the policy rate, or easing of monetary policy, can be expected to boost total demand for Canadian goods and services, and vice versa. In addition to this, another goal for the Bank is maintaining flexible exchange rates – which they consider best suited for achieving their inflation target. The floating Canadian dollar provides an exchange rate buffer which allows the economy to absorb and adjust to economic shocks it may encounter. Though additional factors like exchange rates and unemployment seem to be important to policy makers, they are not focused on as intently as inflation and little information is available in regard to them. Their thinking is that monetary policy cannot have a systematic and sustained effect on any other variable, thus making it senseless to adopt any other long-term targets. It seems apparent that the Canadian policy strives to remain â€Å"forward looking†in a sense. The Bank places much of its emphasis on long-lasting shocks to the economy, rather than those believed to be short lived. By attempting to keep inflation close to their target, they consider themselves better able to respond to changes in the economic environment in such a way to avoid situations of excess demand or upply. Thus, pressures of inflation rising or falling are kept to a minimum. There’s much argument surrounding whether or not Canada’s policy is really that good or if they have just been lucky over the years. Volatility has increased in the Canadian economy over the years, however, they believe that their â€Å"exceptional†economic performance was the result of an even greater imp rovement in monetary policy and the policy offset the volatile environment, resulting in greater macroeconomic performance. It’s especially important to the Bank to remain credible to the Canadian people by being open and clear about their policy choices. They feel that this credibility keeps expectations to preserve future inflation close to the target and this â€Å"anchors†them to ensure that it happens. Even though Canada’s approach to communicating its monetary policy is much different than that of the United States, one could argue that they may be ‘putting blinders’ on their citizens, to avoid poor performance in other areas. Is their layman, tunnel vision approach regarding inflation control diverting the public from questioning whether or not it the best framework to utilize to drive the economy in a positive direction? The Canadian economy is still struggling to recover from the Great Recession and is trying to find ways in order to avoid the zero lower bound issue, but they put little importance communicating on how they are going to do so with the public.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Southwest Airline Case Study
BUS 330 Writing Assignment The paper is about how the airline company named as the Southwest Airlines has been able to cater to the needs of the customers while still holding a greater market share in the Airline industry specifically during the economic crises phase. Q1: As a high – contact service provider, how does Southwest Airlines ensure that its employees satisfy the customer? As far as the employee training is concerned, the employees are extensively trained so as such to ensure that they are able to satisfy the arising concerns and needs of the customers effectively and efficiently.They are actually made to practically exercise resolving complaints and other service problems on the spot. Moreover the employees are made to look professional and behave in a professional manner because they have to deal directly with the customer. One-on-one communication and query handling requires good communication and interpersonal skills to ensure the supreme satisfaction of the cus tomers and their complaints. Otherwise; the demand for their product will eventually die out. The product that this airline is offering is a travel solution for the customers; with the standards set as the low airfares and high service standards.They provide attentive service to the customers in the sky and on the ground and see every flight as an opportunity to underpin and reinforce its reputation for a friendly service that caters to all the flight related concerns of the employees. Another point mentioned in the case is that this Southwest Airlines has a mission statement as: delivering the services with a smile shows that the airline genuinely cares about the customers. A cultural committee is appointed at the headquarters that enables to keep the service spirit alive.Moreover for every airport, they have these committees that ensure service spirit eventually upgrading the customer service area. Furthermore, there are maintenance facilities available across the country. The ser vices of the employees are appraised as per performance and their relationship with customers. Actually these achievements are celebrated for that employee especially who provides outstanding service. This helps in employee retention and satisfaction to remain as a part of that network. Moreover an example can be quoted from the case itself that; the events or the employee appreciation are held around the country such as incoming flight passengers surprisingly with the crew members bringing along the cookies and milk. This shows a small gesture of appreciation and employee motivation. The concept of team work and tolerance is one of the most important concepts to be inculcated in the people who are being hired for serving the customers. Only those people are hired who can communicate, correspond and behave in a friendly manner and work cooperatively with their colleagues.Q2: What experience qualities might weigh most heavily in customers evaluations of the services delivered by the Southwest Airlines? What are the implications for the airline’s service marketing efforts? Actually from the perspective of the customer, it is the product that holds the greatest importance; however the product placement along with the services is the best combination to attract a bunch of customers. Mainly there are two important things that help a company to remain at a competitive position in the market; cost leadership and differentiation.Basically Southwest Airlines is catering to both these requirements to strengthen its stature in the market as one of the most competitive airlines. The Southwest airline was able to control their fuel costs and gained a greater market share while most of its competitors had to shrink their schedules and eventually tightening their belts. It was usually seen that the competitive airlines have been facing the issue of high fuel rates and eventually the lower demand, because they are forced to charge extra fee from the customers for check ing baggage and other services.However, Southwest Airline has tried to manage the lower costs and avoids charging extra fee for every facility and has offered a bundled service pack, as compared to the competitors; who have been unbundling the price and product. Bundling gives an edge to accommodate some of the extra charges and help the company as well as the customers. However since the seats are not reserved thus the airline also gives the chance to the passengers to jump forward on the flight, but for this service an amount is charged.Moreover instead of charging higher prices Southwest Airline accommodates the customers’ needs by providing bundles that are valued by the flyers. Some suggestions will be enhancing the expenditure on the advertisements and more promotional activities. The concentration on the actual and the augmented product will help the company in giving something extra and different to the customers. Cutting the costs and lowering prices will help in mai ntaining the customer demand for the brand product. Product pricing and the core product should be given eminent importance.Possibly, linking with a Public Relations organization will help increase the popularity of the products and services being offered by Southwest Airlines. Q3: What is Southwest Airline doing to manage the customer’s service expectations? In order to manage the expectations of the customers regarding the services provided by the airline, some new features have been introduced like the â€Å"bags fly free†campaign that enables the loading of first two items of checked baggage of the customers on the fare for free.Another more attracting feature is the â€Å"Business select†airfare, where the priority boarding is bundled as such that the customers are offered a free drink along with extra frequent flyer points at a slightly higher price. These points can be used later on any time. Moreover, if the business selects customer to fly on the sche duled flight then the airfare is applied to the cost of a later travelling schedule at any time in the next year. This is one of the main features that make the bundled services attractive to the customers. They use price bundling as an edge to keep the customers coming in and maximize on their profits.The annual profits since the previous 35 years have shown a remarkable record, in a row. However since the running of an airline is not an easy task which involves a lot of finances and efficiency, Southwest Airlines have made it through mainly by keeping the customers satisfied and have maximized their profits on the customer service side. The stock symbol is LUV, which of course is a very attractive caption, and the company aims at making the customers come back to them and use their services by ensuring that the customers remain smiling all the way long. Therefore they will eventually come back for the LUV.Conclusion The main aspect for an airline is to make sure that the traveller s remain happy and are treated properly because at the end of the day, it is the service that an airline provides to a customer by charging an amount of money; therefore the overall experience has to be made pleasant and memorable positively. Failing to do so will eventually lead the company to die a natural death. Reference Guardian Company; (2013); US airline complaints rose 20% last year, Transport Study; United Kingdom http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2013/apr/08/theairlineindustry-air-transport
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Major Types Of Essays
Major Types Of Essays Learn the Most Widespread Types of Academic Essays In order to be successful in academic writing, you should be familiar with different types of essay. It is essential to understand what this particular kind of essay requires from you. There are a lot of top essay writing services which are always eager to help you perform your writing task no matter what type of essay it is. But don`t worry if you have never dealt with a descriptive or an argumentative essay. Almost all good writings begin with the terrible first efforts. You start from nothing and learn as you go. Here are the descriptions of the most popular types of essay. Describe Somebody or Something in Vivid Detail in Your Descriptive Essay â€Å"Describe a place you always wanted to visit†, â€Å"Describe a place where you feel safe and protected†, â€Å"Describe your best friend†– if you have received a similar writing prompt, it means that you are asked to write a descriptive essay. So, what is it actually? While writing this type of essay, you can take advantage of your artistic freedom and vivid imagination. Your main task is to create the unforgettable image by using imagery creatively. What is important to remember while writing a descriptive essay? Your title and introduction should be creative and appealing. Use quality, relevant and telling details. Don`t use repetitive ideas throughout. Let your audience feel, smell, picture and imagine things you are describing. Add your personality. Write from your knowledge or experience. h2Make a Claim and Prove Your Point in Your Argumentative Essay/h2 In the argumentative essay, you have to give your opinion on issues our society care most about. For example, you can be asked to answer such questions: - How should schools address bulling? - Does technology make us more alone? - Does reality TV promote dangerous stereotypes? Your primary aim is to change your reader`s attitude towards something by using proved facts, vivid illustrations and firm language. Of course, there can be a lot of people, who may have the opposite ideas. So, be always ready to fight against them. What is important to remember while writing an argumentative essay? Consider both sides of the argument before you choose your position. Show your ability to refute and anticipate any opposing arguments. Present the argument judiciously and fairly. Support your points with research and examples to strengthen your position. Don`t forget to explain to your audience why this particular issue is commonly debated. Explain a Topic or Inform Your Readers about Something in Your Expository Essay The purpose of a good expository essay is to explain, describe and inform. You are not allowed to write in the first person or reveal your personal feelings and emotions. Just use facts, statistics, and examples to define your topic. This type of essay requires a profound research to be carried out. The expository essay will help you practice your informative writing skills. There can be a variety of topics to choose from: Think about an occupation that is considered demanding or difficult. Describe true leadership. Describe the major stressors in teen`s lives. It is quite simple to write an expository essay if you bear such important things in mind: Organize your thoughts by using effective brainstorming techniques. Evaluate your sources for reputability and timeliness. Use attention getters such as questions, quotes or interesting facts. Explain in detail one of the main ideas in each body paragraph. Present information in logical and organized fashion. Reflect on the significance of the information you present. It is important to remember that expository essay encompasses many essay variations such as: HOW-TO ESSAY – explain how to do something paying close attention to details. CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY – explain the results or the reasons of the situation or effect. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY – explain differences and similarities between two subjects. PROCESS ESSAY – explain to your audience how to perform a particular task. Create a Story in Your Narrative Essay Let your creativity flow here. Your task is to make up a good story that is worth of excitement. You do not have to forget about several important elements if you want to do it in a right way. These elements include theme, mood, setting, characters, and plot. You can pick the question that inspires you the most to tell an interesting story. For example: What challenges have you overcome? What are your fears and phobias? When have you failed? What is important to remember while writing a narrative essay? Introduce your characters and describe the setting in the introduction. The body of your essay should contain most of the plot. Finish describing the action in the conclusion. Deliver the moral of your story or make a revelation or a prediction in your final sentences.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Science Investigatory Project Essay Example
Science Investigatory Project Essay Example Science Investigatory Project Paper Science Investigatory Project Paper Healthy babies should sleep on their back. One of the most important things you can do to help reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is to put your healthy baby on his or her back to sleep. Do this when your baby is being put down for a nap or to bed for the night Schedule for Feeding You should feed your baby whenever he or she is hungry. Most babies eat every two to four hours. Do not wait longer than five hours between feedings. Care of the Circumcision If your baby is circumcised, his penis may be swollen for about a week. Initially, the tip of the penis will be very red. Over the course of a few days it will slowly change to a more pink, fleshed-colored appearance as it heals. He may have a LITTLE bleeding. This should stop in 24 hours. If you notice more than a little blood, please call your pediatrician. There may also be a yellow-white discharge on his penis on the second day after the circumcision. This is normal and will go away as your baby heals. A little Vaseline applied directly to the area will keep the crust soft and keep the diaper from sticking. I learned about this because of the activity that the group one have presented. It is entitled as the fault-y set up. In this activity, They arranged two sheets of cardboard edge to edge, and They poured a flour instead of sand along the boundary of the two sheets of cardboard. After that, with the ruler Nell flattened the top to make parallel lines. Then they move the sheets slowly and a fault Is formed. The things I learned In this activity Is to explain how fault forms and to describe the appearance of a
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysing Strategic Management and Leadership
Analysing Strategic Management and Leadership This unit is all about strategic management and leadership. This assignment will cover the link between strategic management and leadership style in organisation in different situations. Strategic management and leadership is an ability to anticipate the future requirement that is for an organisation to be proactive in maintaining flexibility, motivation and empower the people to create the strategic change for the growth of organisation. Strategic management is all about shaping strategies and taking important decision for the organisation to survive and to get success in the face of competitive challenges and from other pressures from within and outside organisation. 1.1: Link between Management and Leadership Both word strategic management and leadership are often used interchangeably, although these words actually describe two different concepts. The main aim of management is to maximize the output of organisation through administrative implementation. His functions include; org anizing, planning, directing and controlling. While according to John Kotter (1996)†leadership is the set of practises that create the organisation in first place or adapt them to significantly changing circumstances. Strategic management is a vital area for any organization. It helps to improve an organisational performance and productivity. It is the responsibility of the strategic manger to design strategies for the future needs of the organisation. Designing and setting the plan is the job of strategic managers or we can say strategic management but to bring this plan and design into practice is the job the leadership. Leadership qualities are required to achieve those goals and targets which are set by the strategic management. ‘Central to strategic success is aligning the right leaders with the right skills in the right places at the right times to achieve desired competitive results’ (William J. Rothwell 1999) To run an organisation successfully and get th e goals and objectives of the firm both qualities of a manager and leaders are needed. A manager needs leadership qualities to be effective be and successful in taking initiative while leader needs some management capabilities to run the organisation. It is the job of the strategic manager to decide what they need to do and what they need to avoid to achieve objective in longer term. They make the policies internally and externally to achieve their goals. 1.2: Impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. Management and leadership style play pivotal role on strategic decisions. They make decision according to the expectation of the organisation and their decision always have the support of the team. It is the style of the management and leader which keeps organization moving. Different styles have different type of impact on strategic decision and organisation. For example if we look at the democratic style of management and leadership, in this style management always consult and discuss with their team which makes them feel more responsible and motivates them to work hard. It is the job of strategic manager to decide and make critical decision regarding the future of the organisation. It is the wisdom of the management and leadership that drives the organisation forward. It is their vision which has always great impact on the organisation. Their style of management and leadership plays vital role on the decision making and on the future of the organisation. They should have the style which changes according to the situation, sometime they are very much cooperative and give everybody chance to express but if situation demands them to be more authoritarian they have the style approach and power to change them.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain Research Paper
Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain - Research Paper Example ivity existing in the private sector so as to develop the schools in America, enabling them produce quality graduates to propel the economy of the nation. This will also help the graduates adapt well to the constant changing technological environment. The 21st century labor force should not have to work with an educational system of the 20th century if the nation is to achieve economic prosperity. Although, transforming the education system to be in line with the changing environment, needs an elementary shift in the education system starting with pre-K up to the higher education level. Up to now, people have lacked the audacity and flexibility to implement the necessary changes in the education sector. People need to re-evaluate themselves, and ask themselves if this is the time to bring the necessary change that is going to transform the education sector for the benefit of the future generation. This is irrespective of the uneasiness people may feel now. To address these changes, the following are essential factors to consider (Bushaw & Lopez, 2012). Redesigning the way the school system is formulated is essential. This will enable students use less time in pursuing their dreams and at the same time be successful. The old system might not be easily altered or adopted in today’s high-tech environment, and the grading system (diplomas and grade level) seems to limit success. For instance, let’s visualize a system where students do not have to be categorized according to the level of grade reached but on the basis of their skills and knowledge levels. This system might be efficient in rewarding talent and hard work. However, implementation of such measures will necessitate the handling of very difficult questions. If football clubs can enroll stars directly from high school, why can not ICT corporations like IBM do the same? Also, it is necessary to identify the future implications of embracing technology in the education system. This seems not to be a
Reading response 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading response 3 - Assignment Example Skinner links human’s usage of words with external events like a person will always use appreciative words on seeing a beautiful picture. However, Chomsky has heavily criticized Skinner’s explanation of language since how a person will react to an event depends on the person’s perspective. For instance, a picture which seems beautiful to someone may seem hideous to another person. Chomsky has mostly rejected Skinner’s work by arguing that the latter’s experiments on animals are not relevant to the concept of language (Aitchison, 2011, pp.7-23). The eighth chapter is based on Chomsky’s views on transformational grammar. For an alien to learn the language of humans at first it may seem that the easy way is to memorize all sentences that one may hear. However, this is a completely disastrous method of learning language since in this method one is not trying to understand any patterns in the words within a sentence. In any given situation, uttering sentences with words without understanding the meaning will solve no problem. Moreover, a sentence can be too long for memorizing. The important thing is to focus on the rule in which a speaker utters words in a sentence since a language is structured with words. Chomsky has talked about transformations which links the hidden structure and the surface structure of sentences. He has also stated that there is no concrete set of rules to decide which sentences are permissible in English (Aitchison, 2011, pp.170-186). The tenth chapter deals with how human beings deal with sound in general and provides a framework of speech perception. Earlier, psycholinguists believed that to understand language one just needs to link words with sounds uttered by the speaker. However, this fingerprint approach has been rejected by modern psycholinguists for three reasons. Firstly, the speed with which a speaker utters words cannot be possible for the listener to
Internal Legal Memorandum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Internal Legal Memorandum - Term Paper Example When Jones walked over to the Colt house to complain, they set the dog on her and she narrowly missed being bitten, falling down in her panic and because of her recent hip surgery. She returned home in a complete panic and developed a nervous tic and paranoid about leaving her home The major issues raised in this case would be (a) nuisance (b) harassment (c) assault and (d) intentional infliction of emotional distress as well as (e) criminal destruction of property. The first issue arises because of the noisy parties at nights, with bright lights in the backyard and during the day, the children trying to send their balls into Jones’ birdbath. The harassment arises because of the way the Colts responded to her request to stop the nuisance activities with the threat to unleash their dog on her. The assault issue arises because the dog Sirius did indeed attack her and would have quite likely caused actual physical harm if it had not been distracted by another dog. As it is, the dog caused injuries because Jones fell down and hurt her hip that had recent surgery. The intentional infliction of emotional distress arises because of the way the Colts responded to her grievances, with animosity and an attitude of conflict rather than amity and cooperation. The l ast issue of criminal destruction of property arises because of the fence the Colts built that impeded the access to sunlight of the plants in Jones’ garden. The rule on nuisance would assess how much disturbance was caused to the Plaintiff and whether this could be deemed intrusive of her right to peace and privacy. The rule on harassment requires the plaintiff to demonstrate externally that there were hurt or injured feelings arising out of the harassment. In a case of assault, the balance would be between the forseeability of harm against the burden of preventive measures.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
Research Paper Example In order to improve the security as well as reducing police workload at the same time, new technological innovations have come up that are capable of improving the performance of the police. These technologies have expanded considerably and added reinforcement to frontline officers. According to statistics from the 2007 survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the local police departments use various technologies for different law enforcement processes. In turn, these technologies have reduced the workload of police and effort used in day-to-day activities. For instance, the criminal investigation uses 60% of technology, crime mapping and analysis (100%), dispatch (49%), information sharing (50%), and record management (79%). In addition, 90% of departments serving over 250,000 people use fingerprinting technology and two-thirds also reported to be regularly utilizing video cameras for speed, CCTV, and those in patrol cars (Roberts). The emergence of fingerprinting and crime laboratories between 1900 and 1920 has by far increased the capacity for the police to solve crimes and incarcerate the guilty offenders. Later in the years, this is what emerged to be the core of forensics (McElreath et al. 299). The driving force for the introduction of forensics was to foresee justice prevail because before, the judicial proceedings were just based on evidence coming from victim statements and coerced confessions. Forensics was the better option after jurists and criminologists were convinced that it had standards of neutrality and objectivity. In addition, forensics could add fairness and precision to investigations as a result scientists and doctors had a partnership with the police so that they could integrate solving crimes and science (McElreath et al., 300). Despite forensic taking charge a bit slowly, most police departments in the US began appreciating the results it brought
Reduction of VAP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Reduction of VAP - Research Paper Example Its risk factors include patients with mechanical ventilation, cystic fibrosis, debilitation, impaired immune responses intravenous drug abuse and multiple administering of antibacterial drugs. Contaminated disinfection solutions, nebulizers, and topical anesthetics have been associated with sporadic outbreaks of the bacterial disease. Sporadic outbreaks of the infection have been noted in ICU and burn unit. Non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria with a rod shape. The predisposing factors for infection or colonization are: central venous catheters; mechanical ventilation; ICU location; invasive devices; organ transplant; immunosuppressed patients; neutropenia; cytotoxic chemotherapy; prior antibiotic therapy; tracheotomies. The bacteria can be isolated the surrounding such as ventilator tubing, suction equivalent, water sources, spirometers, disinfecting solutions, hospital sinks and nebulizers. The two most common microorganisms associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia and oth er healthcare associated pneumonia (HAP). The pathogens can arise secondary to environmental surrounding rather than from the patients indigenous flora. Legionella growth is optimal at temperatures between 25Â ° and 42Â °. Legionella species is found mostly aquatic environments. Legionella has also been isolated from evaporative condensers, cooling towers and heat portable water distribution systems. Transmission occurs through inhalation of aerosols. Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia focuses on reducing the risk of aspiration.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Internal Legal Memorandum Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Internal Legal Memorandum - Term Paper Example When Jones walked over to the Colt house to complain, they set the dog on her and she narrowly missed being bitten, falling down in her panic and because of her recent hip surgery. She returned home in a complete panic and developed a nervous tic and paranoid about leaving her home The major issues raised in this case would be (a) nuisance (b) harassment (c) assault and (d) intentional infliction of emotional distress as well as (e) criminal destruction of property. The first issue arises because of the noisy parties at nights, with bright lights in the backyard and during the day, the children trying to send their balls into Jones’ birdbath. The harassment arises because of the way the Colts responded to her request to stop the nuisance activities with the threat to unleash their dog on her. The assault issue arises because the dog Sirius did indeed attack her and would have quite likely caused actual physical harm if it had not been distracted by another dog. As it is, the dog caused injuries because Jones fell down and hurt her hip that had recent surgery. The intentional infliction of emotional distress arises because of the way the Colts responded to her grievances, with animosity and an attitude of conflict rather than amity and cooperation. The l ast issue of criminal destruction of property arises because of the fence the Colts built that impeded the access to sunlight of the plants in Jones’ garden. The rule on nuisance would assess how much disturbance was caused to the Plaintiff and whether this could be deemed intrusive of her right to peace and privacy. The rule on harassment requires the plaintiff to demonstrate externally that there were hurt or injured feelings arising out of the harassment. In a case of assault, the balance would be between the forseeability of harm against the burden of preventive measures.
Reduction of VAP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Reduction of VAP - Research Paper Example Its risk factors include patients with mechanical ventilation, cystic fibrosis, debilitation, impaired immune responses intravenous drug abuse and multiple administering of antibacterial drugs. Contaminated disinfection solutions, nebulizers, and topical anesthetics have been associated with sporadic outbreaks of the bacterial disease. Sporadic outbreaks of the infection have been noted in ICU and burn unit. Non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria with a rod shape. The predisposing factors for infection or colonization are: central venous catheters; mechanical ventilation; ICU location; invasive devices; organ transplant; immunosuppressed patients; neutropenia; cytotoxic chemotherapy; prior antibiotic therapy; tracheotomies. The bacteria can be isolated the surrounding such as ventilator tubing, suction equivalent, water sources, spirometers, disinfecting solutions, hospital sinks and nebulizers. The two most common microorganisms associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia and oth er healthcare associated pneumonia (HAP). The pathogens can arise secondary to environmental surrounding rather than from the patients indigenous flora. Legionella growth is optimal at temperatures between 25Â ° and 42Â °. Legionella species is found mostly aquatic environments. Legionella has also been isolated from evaporative condensers, cooling towers and heat portable water distribution systems. Transmission occurs through inhalation of aerosols. Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia focuses on reducing the risk of aspiration.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Albert Camus Essay Example for Free
Albert Camus Essay This is the commentary on the book The Outsider written by Albert Camus. I decided to set up my commentary writing about: characters, theme, style, time place and symbolism. The Outsider is a story about a man called Monsieur Meursault, who lives his life in total simplicity and simple enjoyment, but whom society eventually roots out, humiliates and crushes. He lives for the truth. The novel is divided into two parts. In part one his mother dies and he has to go to the funeral. He does not about his mother, so he does not mourn his mother at all. Next day he meets a woman called Marie, with whom he used to work with and they start dating. Meursault invites her out, they go to the cinema and afterwards they sleep together. Later Meursault helps his neighbour Raymond to write a letter to his girlfriend, which leads to the culmination of the book. Raymond and Meursault are now friends and they go to a party where they meet Raymonds girlfriends brother and the Arab, a fight breaks out and the brother attacks Raymond. Meursault goes back to the beach and kills the Arab. Part two is about his trial for murder. The prosecutor is very cruel and Meursault is to be guillotined. At the end he argues with prison chaplain about God and religion. Finally, Meursault finds peace and he thinks perhaps after death his existence may be less absurd; he may be more closely aligned with the universe. He accepts his destiny with clear understanding. In the book Outsider there are three major characters and three minor characters I am going to write about. Characters in Camus novels and plays are keenly aware of the meaninglessness of the human condition, assert their humanity by rebelling against their circumstances. Monsieur Meursault is the central character in the novel. He is emotionless and a careless person; society sees him as an outsider or even a monster. Even though he is honest and as a character he is both disturbing and fascinating. He only seems to care for the most fleeting of sensations and gives no thought to future consequences, for example killing the Arab. For him the events that are important for most people do not mean anything, like the fact that his mother is dead, that Marie loves him and wants to get married. He simply does not care about that. Meursault is amoral; he cannot make difference between good and bad. Raymond asked him to write the letter for his girlfriend, which Meursault does without realising the consequences. Meursaults indifference seems to apply solely to his understanding of himself. At the end of the novel he realizes that the universe is like him, totally different to human life and that peoples life do not have any meaning or importance, so at the end he is completed as a character. Raymond Sintes is a friend and a neighbour of Meursault. Raymond is a bit like Meursault, he is lonely, he keeps away from other people and he is a cold person. Raymond definitely dislikes women. If Meursault is just different and annoyed with himself, then Raymond on the other hand is a cruel and a violent person, and he knows how to use other people, as he uses Meursault. For example, he has problems with his ex-girlfriend, he beats and abuses her. He says to Meursault that he needs to punish her, which actually leads to conflict with the Arab. Raymond initiates action. Although he only seems to use Meursault, he actually testifies for him and feels a bit responsible. Marie Cardona is the girl who loves Meursault and he likes her as well, but he does not love her. Marie seems to be good-hearted, she accepts everything that Meursault does, including his behaviour and careless. Marie is cheerful, honest and loyal to Meursault. Marie loves Meursault a lot and wants to marry him; she says that she probably loves him because he is so peculiar. Marie also delights in physical contact; they do not kiss in public places. Maries physical affection for Meursault signals a deeper sentimental and emotional attachment. Marie acts in a strange way, because Meursault does not care about her at all, but Marie just forgets that and loves him still, and she stays loyal to him even when he is in the prison, she goes to see him. Probably, she enjoys the freedom, because Meursault does not take any interest in her life when they are not together. Marie never grasps the indifference of the universe and she never comes to understand the redemptive value of abandoning hope. Salamano is Meursaults neighbour. An older man living with his dog (spaniel). He seems to be a very lonely and depressive person and he is filled with anger that he expresses by beating his dog. Meursault does not know him very well, but he always hears Salamano fighting with his dog. Once Meursault hears him crying and he goes to see what has happened, Salamano tells him that his dog is missing and he is really upset. From that, you can see that even if he was beating his dog, he actually loved it very much and the spaniel was the only friend he ever had. Salamano testifies for Meursault in the trial. The Arab is the friend of Raymonds ex-girlfriends brother and he actually plays only a small role in the novel, which is important. You can see that The Arab is a person who wants revenge and he and Raymonds ex-girlfriends brother are the ones who follow Meursault and Raymond to the beach and start the fight. Meursault is quite cruel to him, after he falls down, Meursault shoots him four times. Maman is not a living character, but is still important. Meursault has a very cold relationship with her; he sent her a home, where she lived out her remaining days. The fact that she is dead, and how Meursault acted in the funeral causes much trouble for him even later. His mother sets in motion societys negative image of his personality. The novel Outsider was established in 1940s after the Second World War in France. There is very big effect of the war on peoples religious beliefs. The meaninglessness of human life is one of the major components of Camus absurdist philosophy. He finds that human life has no redeeming purpose and the only thing that makes sense is death. In the novel you can see that Meursault finds his peace at the end. He understands that it does not matter whether he dies by execution or normal death. Meursault realizes that he is so different from the universe and the universe is indifferent to him. Like everyone else on this earth, Meursault was born, he will die, and he will not have any further importance to the universe. The importance of the physical world. Meursault is more interested in the physical aspects of the world around him rather than in its social or emotional aspects. In the Outsider, Meursaults attention centres on his own body, physical contact with Marie, on the weather and on the nature. For example at his mothers funeral the heat causes much more trouble to him, than the fact that his mother is dead. He also suffers on the beach, because of the sun. Which represents the obsessive effect of society. The story is written in the first person, in the kind of spare, economic style. The flat, impersonal style is perfectly matched to the subject matter. Sentences to not follow upon each other in a logical train, they succeed each other, almost without apparent connection. Camus tries to avoid causal conjunctions, but the ones Meursault uses are and and then, word which do not show motivation. At the end of the book, the language changes a bit. From being very passive it suddenly becomes an obsessive and legal language. The last two paragraphs are the culminating ones, blissful expression of passionate love of life. The sun is one of the symbols in the novel. The sun is usually associated with positive and good things, like societies generally, however they both can become overpowering. They beat down on people, smothering them just like the sun beats down upon Meursault. The sun is presented whenever the force of society is strong within Meursault. There is sun during the funeral, in the court hall, which claims to possess the right to judge people, and on the beach when he kills the Arab. But there is no sun in the cell, because the overpowering force society has been removed. The crucifix symbolizes Christianity, which stands as antagonism to Camus absurdist worldview. Christianity conceived a rational order for the universe based on gods creation and direction of the world. The chaplains insistence that Meursault turn to god does not represent a wish that he should accept particularly Christian beliefs so much as a desire that he holds the principle of a important universe in general. When Meursault defies the magistrate by rejecting Christianity, he totally discards all systems that seek to define a realistic order within human existence.
Monday, October 14, 2019
English language needs for tour guides
English language needs for tour guides This chapter describes the methods of research and explains the methods used in the present study. This chapter is divided into five parts: objectives of the study and the research questions; description of the research types; data sampling and collection procedures; data analysis of the data collected; reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research methods and findings. For the purposes of this study, I will classify the English language skills and functions for tour guides into four main categories. The language skills and elements are composed of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translation, and vocabulary in tourism including grammar and some useful English expressions will be discussed and included into those four main categories. Objectives of the Study and Research Questions This study aims to investigate present English language needs and benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides. This studies’ data also hopes to reveal some of the problems foreign tourists face when dealing with Vietnamese tour guides, and the language skills and functions that are useful for tour guides to help overcome them. This research tries to answer two of the four main research questions: 2.What are the English language needs required for Vietnamese tour guides? 3.What are the benefits for English speaking Vietnamese tour guides, when compared to those with only their native language? The design of research methods for the present study was based on the most effective and efficient way to answer these two research questions. Research Types Overview of Research Types and Their Characteristics There two main types of research: qualitative research and quantative research. Qualitative research is a research type that is concerned with the study of what goes on in natural settings. The process of this research deals with an inquiry and understanding based on distinct methodologies within the tradition of inquiry that explores a social or human problem. The researcher is the main instrument of data collection to build a complex and holistic picture, to collect words and to analyze this information inductively, and to report detailed views of informants. In designing a study, one works with philosophical assumptions, possible frameworks, problems, and questions; and data collection through techniques such as interviews, observation, documents, and audio-visual materials (Cresswell, 1998). Some examples of qualitative research are: biography, which is a study on a single individual when material is available and accessible; phenomenology, which examines a phenomenon and the meaning it holds for individuals; a grounded theory, which is a study to generate o r develop a theory; an ethnography, which studies the behavior of a culture-sharing group; and a case study, which examines a case bound in time and place and looks for contextual material about the setting of the case. To sum up, it can be seen that qualitative research and quantitative research differ in terms of their key concepts, goals, approaches to design, and the types of problems that researchers have. Therefore, the selection of which research approach is appropriate in a given study depends on the problem of interest, available resources, the skills and training of the researcher, and the audience for the research (ibid). Quantitative research is a type of research that is concerned with an inquiry into an identified problem, based on testing a theory composed of variables, measuring with numbers, and analyzing data using statistical techniques. Reichardt and Cook 1979 cited in Nunan, 1992 suggest that quantitative research is â€Å"obtrusive, controlled, generalizable, outcome oriented, and assumes the existence of ‘facts’ which are somehow external to and independent of the observer or researcher†. The main characteristics of quantitative research are the following beliefs: reality is something that can be studied objectively; the researcher should remain distant and independent from what is being researched; research is value-free and is based primarily on deductive forms of logic and theories; hypotheses are tested in a cause-effect order; and the research goals are to develop generalizations that contribute to theory and to enable the researcher to predict, explain, and unders tand some phenomena Bogdan and Bilken (1982 cited in Maurice et al, 1987). There are considered to be three general types of quantitative methods: 1. Experiments, which are characterized by random assignment of subjects to experimental conditions and the use of experimental controls; 2.Quasi-experiments, by which studies share almost all the features of experimental designs except that they involve non-randomized assignment of subjects to experimental conditions; and 3. Surveys, which include cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or interviews for data collection with the intent of estimating the characteristics of a large population based on a smaller sample from that population (Maurice et al, 1987). Research may sometimes incorporate both quantitative and qualitative methodologies as will this study in order to get the reliability and trustworthiness of the research from results obtained from the questionnaire and the interviews carried out. Type of research in this study This study employed a qualitative approach utilizing some quantitative techniques in a needs analysis for the study of tour guides in Vietnam. The main method of the study was a survey conducted to explore the use of English of tour guides in Vietnam in order to analyze the present needs of using the target language in their workplace. The participants of the study were selected on a basis of convenience and availability. A questionnaire, with of a rating scale, was used for data collection. The data was then analyzed based on simple statistics, looking for averages and simple groupings to identify the needs and problems in order to find answers to the research questions. Sampling procedures in the present study The participants in this study were tour guides who work in the areas of Central, North and South Vietnam including 50 from areas in and surrounding Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An, 25 from the HCM City and surrounding area and 25 from the Hanoi region. The details of the travel agencies were found from the internet websites and from local knowledge. The method to assess the English language needs and problems of Vietnamese tour guides was a questionnaire. Several methods were used to make the questionnaire in order to maintain its reliability and validity. The benefits for the tour guides and the tourism industry were assessed from the interviews conducted. The interviews conducted were mostly limited to the local area with 20 participants from Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An although there were 5 interviews done in HCM City. The Construction of the questionnaire To create the questionnaire used in this study, I reviewed a number of research studies relating to the needs analysis and English for Specific Purposes (ESP discussed in the literature review Chapter 2), and then I reviewed some examples of questionnaires from similar research to find their outlines. Moreover, a wide range of textbooks about English for tourism were studied to find relevant information to use as content in the questionnaire. The first draft of the questionnaire was written in English and created with the objectives of the study and the research questions. The questionnaire was used in this study to obtain information from the tour guides in Vietnam. The questionnaire, given to the tour guides, had five main parts: General information; general opinions; needs of the English language for tour guides; Problems/difficulties faced with English language; and opinions about the benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides. 1.General Information The general information was made up of three sections. The first asked the participants some personal information about their age, gender, education, and the amount of time they had worked as a tour guide. The second section asked about the importance of English, the amount of English they needed to use when they guide international tourists and who they use English language with in their daily tasks. The last part was about their English proficiency. The participants were also asked to rank language skills and elements that they used regularly, and problems with English language they had most. The language skills and elements in this questionnaire were composed of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translation, and vocabulary in tourism including grammar and some useful English expressions will be discussed and included into those four main categories. 2.General Opinions The second part consisted of two items. Item 1 asked the participants to indicate their feelings about the necessity of English language elements. They were to rank the elements on a scale of 1 to 5 in their opinions: 5=Essential 4=Very necessary 3=Necessary 2=Fairly necessary 1=Unnecessary. Item 2 was about the difficulty of English language elements. The participants were asked to rate their difficulties of English skills again using a rating of 1 to 5. 5=Very difficult 4=Difficult 3=Fairly difficult 2=Not very difficult 1=Not difficult 3.Needs of the English Language for Tour Guides The third part was about the needs of tour guides for the use of English skills or elements in the job. The questions covered information with various English language functions for tour guides. The questions were divided into four main domains of language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Questions about translation, pronunciation, vocabulary in tourism, grammar and expressions were also included. Within each skill, the questions were divided into sub items asking about various roles and the functions for the tour guides. The participants had to rate those answers on a 1 to 5 scale as follows: 5 = Most 4 = A lot 3 = Moderate 2 = A little 1 = Least 4.Problems and Difficulties Faced with English Language For this part the questionnaire was again used, as it was in part three, to discover and confirm problems and difficulties encountered by the tour guides in the daily activities. These questions aimed to point out common issues resulting from miscommunication or lack of understanding when using the English language. Again the participants had to rate those answers on a 1 to 5 scale as follows: 5 = Most 4 = A lot 3 = Moderate 2 = A little 1 = Least 5. The benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides The questionnaire ended with an opened item, allowing the participants to fill in either their comments or suggestions. Some expected benefits were suggested and offered as choices to agree or disagree with. The participants were also asked to rank those benefits in order of importance to them personally and professionally. This was followed up, where possible, with interviews requesting further clarification of their suggested benefits and those that were suggested to them in the questionnaire. Putting ticks in boxes and crossing numbers were ways of answering all the parts of the questionnaire. There were yes/no answers, multiple choice questions and ranked questions. The questionnaire used in the present study was written in English and then translated into Vietnamese to avoid any ambiguity, misinterpretation or problems for the participants. Pilot Study A pilot study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the questionnaire and to identify and eliminate ambiguity in the questions before it was used in the main study. Five people in different areas of the tourism and hospitality industry from the local area in Hue City were the participants in the pilot study, carried out at the beginning of March 2015. Just over one week was allocated for the collection and review of the pilot questionnaire, but due to conflicting schedules it took just over two weeks to get the results. The return rate and the completed questionnaires was 100%. In the pilot questionnaire, an item of ‘others and please specify’ was included at the end of every section, where participants could propose any additional questions or English language expressions and functions they thought should have been asked (see Appendix 2). To administer the questionnaire, the researcher firstly handed out the covering letter to the manager of the chosen people where needed to ask for their permission. The cover letter consisted of an introduction of the research study and the university, the aim of the study, the importance of the study, general instructions and words of thanks to the participants and their management. Then, the questionnaires they could complete were given to the participants. This was then followed by arranging a time and date that the questionnaires could be collected and interviews with the participants could be given. The participants in the pilot study were 4 male participants and 1 female participant. The results of the survey showed that the participants were concerned about the importance of English in their tour guide occupations. They all suggested that speaking was the most important skill they needed in their jobs, followed closely by listening. Writing, reading, vocabulary in tourism, translation, grammar and expressions were the least important. However, concerning their difficulties of using English elements in their jobs, the majority of the participants found listening caused the most issues, followed by speaking (including pronunciation errors). Translation, writing, grammar, language expressions and reading were all considered to have fewer problems for them. Vocabulary for Vietnamese tour guides was generally found to be the least problematic and the easiest to overcome. Main Study After the questionnaire was revised and created based on suggestions and improvements to the pilot study, it was given to, or sent to, the participants selected for the main study: 100 tour guides from different companies and individuals during the first week of April 2015. They were then returned over the following weeks with the last of them received in late April 2015. Similar steps to the pilot study were taken for the collection of data. Firstly a covering letter was submitted, introducing the study, with reference to the Hue University College of Foreign Languages, to the managers and/or owners of the tour companies to get permission. The return rate within this time was 60% and any that were returned later then than April 2015 were left out of the study; only 50% of these were completed correctly and used for the data analysis. Data Analysis The analysis of data in the present study The questionnaires were checked and analyzed using basic statistics. The procedures in the present study looked for specific repeated trends and used, percentages (%), averages (X), and standard deviation (S.D.). The data was analyzed using the following statistical procedures. First, the percentages were used in the analysis of answers, concerning the general background of participants (Part I). Second, a five-point scale was used to score the levels of necessity, difficulty, needs and problems of English language for tour guides in Vietnam (Part II, III, and IV). Third, the information about the central tendency of the scores and Standard Deviation (S.D.) showing a measurement of the dispersion, giving information on the extent to which a set of scores varies in relation to the average score. Averages were used to calculate the level of necessity, difficulty, needs and problems of English language skills for tour guides in Vietnam. Fourth, scores were weighted to rank the needs and problems of English language elements for tour guides in Vietnam. A specific weight, as illustrated below, was assigned for each specific rank: RankWeighted Scores 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 Finally, the reliability of the responses for those items, which used a five-point scale was tested. Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability. Definitions of Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability Reliability is the extent to which an independent researcher, on analyzing one’s data, would reach the same conclusions and, a replication of one’s study would yield similar results. There are two types of reliability: internal reliability, which refers to the consistency of the results obtained from a piece of research; and external reliability, which refers to the extent to which independent researchers can reproduce a study and obtain results similar to those obtained in the original study (Nunan, 1992). Validity is the ability of an instrument to measure what it is designed to measure. Researchers and experts in the field are persons who decide that an instrument is observing what it is set out to observe. Two approaches of establishing the validity of a research instrument are logic and statistical evidence. There are three types of validity: face and content validity (the judgment based upon the logical link between the questions and the objectives of the study); concurrent and predictive validity (the judgment based on the degree to which an instrument can forecast an outcome and how well an instrument compares with a second assessment done concurrently); and construct validity (the judgment based upon statistical procedures) (Kumar, 1996). Generalizability is the way of drawing logical conclusion, or making an inference from certain results which explains some important implications of the results or is related to the research questions. Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability in the Present Study Reliability To check the reliability of the questionnaire, I used an internal reliability check for consistency of the results obtained from the study. The questionnaire used in the pilot study was considered to be more than satisfactory for the purpose of this study. Validity To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the first draft of the questionnaire was constructed and revised based on recommendations from the participants and other people in the field. In the present study, the researcher used face to face interviews about the questionnaire to determine opinions on the validity. I then constructed the questions in the questionnaire based on the objectives of the study and the research question being asked. By checking the validity, each question or item on the scales and the questionnaire content must have a logical link with the objectives. The judgment that the questionnaire and interviews was measuring what it was supposed to, was based upon the relevant inferences the findings had to the study. Moreover, the validity of the questions was also checked by the participants in the pilot study. Generalizability This study used a mostly quantitative approach with three established needs including sampling, reliability and validity checking. Therefore, the results obtained could be generalized to the target population, the tour guides in Vietnam. This chapter has dealt with the research methodology and the design of the present study. The objectives of the study and research questions; research types; data sampling and collection procedures; data analysis of the data collected; reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research methods and findings were also discussed. The results of the present study will be presented in the following chapter.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Let the River Run :: essays research papers
Things occur in nature, that we as humans sometimes prevent from occurring naturally. For example - a dam on a river. Once put into use on a river, a dam simply stops or slows down the natural flow of the water. Sometimes this is for the better, however - sometimes, it is for the worse. This is the case in the Grand Canyon. Some rivers go through natural, periods of flooding and receding, at certain times of the year, or in occurrence with other geographical events. For the first time in thirty years, in March 1996, flood waters rages through the Grand Canyon. However, this was not the result of a natural flood. The Colorado River would experience this same type of man made flood, naturally. These floods would occur every year during winter and spring rains. This water has been released from an upstream dam. The dam was put into action in 1963. Since then, years of environmental damage have been adding up. Dams have been on the river for nearly a century - however, none were upstream of the Grand Canyon until this one was built in 1963.      Rivers have a number of processes involved in their everyday activities that allow themselves and the land around them to flourish. When the flow of a river is disrupted, so are these processes. Rivers carry sediments. Along with carrying these sediments, they also deposit them, usually onto surrounding land areas. This deposition occurs when the flow of the water slows down. The amount of sediment a river is carrying generally gives color to it’s appearance. Before this dam was built, the Colorado River possessed a cloudy, rust color. Now, when the water is stopped at this dam, over 90 percent of it’s sediment is dropped. As a result - this gives the river a crystal clear appearance. Another result of the lack of sediment, is the beach erosion that is occurring. Some beaches have eroded to over half of their original size. This erosion is happening because the beaches depended on the annual floods to bring them a continuous supply of fresh, fine sand. The dam is trapping a majority of the sand. There are small tributary rivers that flow uninhibited into the Colorado River below the dam, they bring some sediment - but not enough. As well as these beaches depending on the floods - the rapids in the river, have this same type of dependence. Here, the floods would clear any debris from between the boulders, an area that is now choked.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Chief Bromden in Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest :: One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest
Chief Bromden in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Chief Bromden is half American Indian. His father was a chief named Tee Ah Millatoona, which means The-pine-that-stands-tallest-on-the-mountain. That is why he is able to use the title chief. He took on his mother's last name of Bromden. He grew up in the Columbian gorge. The chief is massive and tall and would appear very intimidating and threatening to those who meet him. He was committed to the hospital and has been there for longer than anyone else, for over 15 years. He was put in there after World War two. The chief was an electrician's assistant in a training camp before the army shipped him off to Germany. It is probably due to working with electronics and the added strain of going to war that has led the chief to have such an unhealthy preoccupation with electronics. The chief has led everyone in the hospital, both staff and patients to believe he is deaf and dumb. As a young child he was always ignored, by fellow students and adults, this could have been because he was so strange looking, being half American Indian and appearing so big and menacing yet being quite shy. "I had to keep acting deaf if I wanted to hear at all." He felt rejected by his peers throughout life and so as an adult decided that as people acted like he was invisible he might as well disappear, "It wasn't me that started acting deaf, it was people that first started acting like I was too dumb to hear or see or say anything at all." So pretending to be deaf and dumb was probably a defence mechanism. For him, his silence is also extremely potent. As he is able to hear everything that went on in the meetings where the doctors and nurses discuss the future of the patients. The doctors and nurses don't hesitate to say anything in front of him because they think he can 't hear. "They don't bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I'm nearby because they think I'm deaf and dumb." The chief sees things in literal metaphors, he sees McMurphy as being really big in size because he is so brave (and big in spirit).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Drinking Water Essay
How many of you, when go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks do you want something to drink. How many of you would prefer a glass of water out a fridge filled with soda, fruit juices, or beer? My guess is that probably no all of you prefer to drink water. I would choose water over the other options. I was not used to drinking water, but after I heard of the benefits that water has, I started to drink more water. For example when I’m thirsty instead of taking any kind of soda I prefer to drink water because it’s healthier for my health. Americans seem to carry bottled water everywhere they go these days. In fact, it has become the second most popular drink. Now, for those of you who drink water; do you actually get enough water that your body needs on a daily basis? Well according to Governance of water in the western United State everyone should strive to drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day. Today many people like to drink water because it has many benefits, some of these benefits are: Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids: Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Water helps your body to function properly. Every cell needs water. Water Can Help Control Calories. If you are trying to lose weight, water is the best tool because water has zero calories, cero sugar, replaces high calories drinks, alcohol and fruit juice, a half cup of fruit juice can contain up to 80 calories, natural appetite suppressant. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good: Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. Natural Headache Remedy: Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too! ) which are commonly caused by dehydration. A water guzzler is less likely to get sick: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer, infection, pain arthritis, and other ailments like heart attacks. You will have more energy through the day as a result of drinking more water. Your body will feel healthy which will lead you to feel happier and put you in a good mood. If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water: 1. Carry a water bottle for easy access when you are at work of running errands. 2. Choose water when eating out. Generally, you will save money and reduce calories. 3. Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. This can also help with weight management. 4. Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag. 5. Add a wedge of lime or lemon to your water. This can help improve the taste and help you drink more water than you usually do. Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. †Albert Szent-Gyorgyi quotes.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cognitive Studies as the Direction of Modern Linguistics
COGNITIVE STUDIES AS THE DIRECTION OF MODERN LINGUISTICS At the end of the 20th century linguistics applied to anthropocentric paradigm of knowledge including among other things presentation about the human factor in the language [4, 2001:15]. The cognitive linguistics is the study of how the person operates the symbols, while coming to understanding the world and themselves in the world, the subject matter of which is the human mind, the thinking and the mental processes and conditions [11, 2005: 8]. The processes associated with knowledge and information are called cognitive ones.Their synonyms are also words  «intellectual »,  «mental »,  «and rational ». Cognitive aspect is the basic concept of cognitive linguistics. It is obvious that in the complex of human sciences the relations between language and other human activities are closely interwoven with each other. Languages give cognitive scientists the key to understand human behavior even in the greater degree, than the culture and society [6, 1997:21]. In the 70-80th of the last century mainly lexico-grammatical and thematic groups of words were studied for identifying general and specific characteristics in a lexical system of language.Today the cognitive research is aimed at expansion of the Humanities [2, 2005: 28]. It is the question of great importance for scientists to find out the very existence of the words in the mental lexicon of individuals. Scientists consider the word to be a unit of knowledge, phenomenon or process meant by it, and also the knowledge of unit position in the system of language, where it is associated with other units of the same system [6, 1997: 306-307]. There are many definitions of concepts, as the term  «concept » is currently one of the most popular in a Russian science.It is not only about linguistics, the concept is used in perceptual and cognitive psychology, and lingvo-cultural science, sociology, and many other sciences. The concept is a multifacete d term, that can be considered as the storage of cultural values, and as a unit which the background for the perspective is the cultural environment surrounding the person. According to Professor V. A. Maslova there are 3 approaches to the concept’s definition: 1. The first approach pays great attention to cultural aspect – when the entire culture is understood as a set of concepts and relations between them.Concepts are like clots of cultural environment in the person’s consciousness. 2. The second approach defines the semantics of linguistic sign as the only means of concept formation. 3. Representatives of the third approach believe the concept to be a combination of word meanings from personal, and national person experience, i. e. the concept is the mediator between words and reality. Concepts are universal [11, 2005: 32]. E. S. Kubryakova considers concept as the operational memory unit, mental lexicon, the conceptual system and the language of brain, the whole picture of the world, the quantum of knowledge [7, 1996: 90].Structure of the concept, according to Pr. Stepanov consists of 3 layers: basic sign, optional and inner form, usually not realized. The structure of the concept can be represented in the circle form, in the center of which lies the main concept, the core of concept, and on the periphery is everything that are brought by culture, traditions, national, and personal experience [11, 2005:42]. Each concept includes evaluation, personal attitude towards an object. The same concepts can cause various associations in the different recipients [3, 2006: 24].Cognitive linguistics is aimed at modeling the picture of the world. The concept itself is an element of the picture of the world, when the picture of the world is one of fundamental notions; it is a model of the world, which is formed as the result of human interaction [11, 2005:47]. Concepts can be classified according to different grounds. They can form emotional, educa tional, and other conceptual spheres. Concepts of objects and movements with the concepts of space are included in the list of  «primary » concepts defining conceptual system of the human being.Space is one of the main forms of categories of existence, reflecting the extent, the position, and the location of objects in a world continuum. As a consequence, the space belongs to the basic categories of thinking, and causes strong interest for scientists. The movement is a form of life and the factor of human development. The concept of movement – is a complex phenomenon, and is associated with the characteristics like the starting point of movement, the last point of movement, way of movement, the environment in which the action takes place, its orientation, move pace, and character of action [8, 2004: 10].Identifying the sources of phraseological unit’s origin we share the opinion of N. N. Amosova, who considers it to be the speech situation in which the original wor d is used in a phraseological meaning [1, 1963:65]. Each phrasal unit initially was the individual's formation, and at first was used in a single context. The verbal complex is to pass several stages before becoming a phraseological unit. Potential phrasal unit is a speech phenomenon. When words complex are used in countless contexts, they gradually acquire elements of stability, and form phrases.Actually it is impossible to ascertain the  «forthcoming » of phrases [10, 1996: 158]. We can assume that each word being born in someone's speech gets new meanings in the course of its further usage. The important feature of obtaining new values is the degree of abstraction [13, 2001: 67]. A. M. Melerovich points out abstraction from lexical and grammatical meanings. She distinguishes four levels of abstraction: highest, high, medium, and low one. 1. The highest level of abstraction is observed in phraseological fusions, and in phraseological intensifiers. These phrases are completely abstracted from the literal meanings. . At the high level of abstraction phrasal units have all kinds of abstraction except grammatical one. 3. The average level of abstraction is observed in phrases with partially rethought meanings, i. e. , where one component is used literally, and the other one is used in figurative sense. 4. The low level of abstraction is characterized by the fact that all components are used in the literal senses. The structure of abstraction in this case is so-called  «colorless abstraction » [14, 1959:171]. Thus, the phraseology reflects complex of culture and psychology of the people; it is a unique method of thinking.However, for each language the selection of priority word’s meanings depends on cultural development. Presence of a certain motivation,  «which is directly linked with people’s outlook » proves that idioms have cultural and ethnic connotation. The study of phrases gives the key to understanding of language picture of the world [16, 1996: 214] Literature 1. Amosova N. N. The basics of English phraseology/L. , 1963 2. Karasik V. I. Ethnospecific concepts. Other mentality/Moscow, 2005. 3. Kamishnikov ?. ?. Conceptual sphere/Taganrog, 2006. 4. Kravchenko ?. ?.About the question of modern linguistic cultural science’s origin /Taganrog, 2001. 5. Kubryakova ?. S. Cognitive features of motion verbs. Logical analyses of language/Moscow, 1992. 6. Kubryakova ?. S. 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